Your Career

for life.

On-demand insights and guidance
for your career journey.

Start for free


your career journey

Keep moments

Create a record of every moment in your professional journey in detail.
Braudit: chapter moments


with your experiences

On-demand career guidance

Get personalised insights and data-driven advice for your career in seconds.
Braudit: moment and reflection drawer


your career activities

Career stats

View how many times you get a raise, a job, promotion and more throughout your career.
Braudit: moment stats

How it works

Create your account

Join Braudit today

You need an account and a complete career profile for Braudit to work as it should. Create an account here.

Your career profile is a detailed and current account of your career status. It’s what Braudit uses to provide you with personalised insights and advice.

Document moments

Daily or weekly, record your experience.

Choose from over 100 event types, narrate your experiences, add pictures, and create a personal database of your career journey.

We’ll try our best to help you build a habit of documenting your career journey with reminders and fun features but the responsibility still falls on you. Stay committed!

Get insights

A host of tools.

With a click of a button, you can get insights and personalised advice for your career from your moments and chapters.

You can get an analysis of your moments or chapters, your behaviour in chapters and generate summaries of chapters in seconds.

Track activities

Your career in numbers.

Our “Event Types” system helps you track all that happens in your career journey. The more moment you save, the more stats you get.

You’ll be able to know the number of times you got promoted, got a job, had a holiday, got a raise, or became a mentor to someone, and more.

Career profile

Update your profile when things change.

Keeping your career profile updated with the most current information about your career is important.

The more current and accurate your career profile is, the more useful our career recommendations and insights will be for you. Make it a habit to review your career profile frequently.

Your career on-demand

Watch a demo

demo video thumbnail


Braudit is a tool that provides personalised, data-driven, career insights and recommendations on-demand, using technology. We’re on a mission to make micro-personalised career guidance available on-demand.
Braudit is for everyone. Whether you are just starting out your career or you are already deep into your career, Braudit can work for you.
Braudit is temporarily only available as a desktop web application. It will be available on mobile and other platforms soon.
Braudit Plus costs £7.99/month however there's a limited basic plan you'll be downgraded to if your Braudit Plus membership expires.
You’ll be downgraded to a limited membership plan that allows you to access all your created moments and add new moments primarily.
Yes. Your moments are protected by end-to-end security with your data being encrypted. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.